Trading accounts
Start building your advanced, protected asset portfolio
- Position hedging
- Floating spread from 0.0 pips
- Leverage up to 1:30
- Limit and stop levels
- Margin call/Stop out 80%/60%
- Min. order size 0.01 lot
- Max. order size 25
Take a step towards more profitable work with new technologies
- Position hedging
- Floating spread from 0.6 pips
- Leverage up to 1:50
- Limit and stop levels
- Margin call/Stop out 80%/60%
- Min. order size 0.01 lot
- Max. order size 50
Secure your advanced asset portfolio and unlock greater opportunities.
- Position hedging
- Floating spread from 0.6 points
- Leverage up to 1:80
- Limit and stop levels
- Margin call/Stop out 100%/80%
- Min. order size 0.1 lot
- Max. order size 70
Act broadly across all markets with liquid products
- Position hedging
- Floating spread from 0.7 points
- Leverage up to 1:100
- Limit and stop levels
- Margin call/Stop out 100%/80%
- Min. order size 0.1 lot
- Max. order size 100
Questions and answers
Is account verification mandatory?
Yes, every Befinex client must verify their account. Users who do not complete verification will face certain challenges while using the platform.
What is verification?
Account verification is a process of checking a client’s identity. It is necessary to prevent money laundering and also protects your account from fraudsters.
Which account is best to open?
Befinex offers four accounts to choose from. The best account for trading should be selected based on your experience, capabilities, and the conditions you require. You can contact our specialists who will help you choose a trading account.